Thursday, November 1, 2018

Safe and Secure Environment

Building administrators bare a large amount of responsibility to keep the school campus safe and secure during the school day. This has never been more true than today, when school shootings are on the rise, mental health concerns and rampant amount student populations, family dynamics become more complex, and building sites require more maintenance as they age.

I was able to shadow one of our site administrators earlier this week as we ran a fire drill on our campus. It was enlightening to witness this drill through the eyes of an administrator instead of a teacher. Students and teachers need to know where to go, everyone needs to take attendance, and office staff and administrators must have access to a binder of protocols and a walkie-talkie to communicate when we are out of the building. Teachers must remember to bring a folder with green and red papers, and an updated roster. Students must all be accounted for, and if not, they must be reported to the site administrator or counselor so that all students and adults are found before we re-enter the building. This is easier said than done, and in a middle school, where some students might have gone to the nurse between periods, or be in the bathroom, it is harder for teachers to know if the student should be with them or not if they haven't seen them yet that school day.

Teachers and students in our building tend to not take these drills too seriously. They meander out of the building, forget their folder, don't take attendance, or don't partake in the drill at all (some teachers on their plan are known to staying in the building to make copies or just go about their plan periods as if nothing is going on). In these cases, it is the responsibility of the school administer to teach all staff and students the appropriate protocols, and emphasize the importance of taking the drill seriously. However, the administrator must be tactful, as teachers already do feel pressure and stress around security and safety drills due to school shootings and other violent acts that are happening now more than ever on school campuses. These drills are stressful, and staff can become defensive or hysterical if they aren't taught methodically and with care, what to do in case of an emergency.

This is merely one example of many that the school administrator is in charge of facilitating, training, and educating on site. Unfortunately, the reality of keeping a campus safe and secure is a growing challenge for any building staff member. The rules around propping doors and windows, wearing safety security badges, engaging/not engaging with frustrated family members, and many more ensure that all staff and students can achieve the number one goal every day: to feel safe enough to learn.

Safe and Secure Environment

Building administrators bare a large amount of responsibility to keep the school campus safe and secure during the school day. This has neve...